dimanche 27 août 2017

Status on OBE observations for the last two years

I have done some stats since the obsevatory is up and running (july 2015), here they are.

I have observed 85 times, for a total of 411 hours. A long break occured from october 2016 to july 2017 (Losmandy Titan mount was getting too erratic to use it properly).

During those two years (removing the long break, 1.33 years actually), I have acquired 296 spectra (56% are spectra of Be stars; 18% VV Cep type stars; 8% P Cygni) for a total exposition time of 200 hours.

The telescope is then accumulating photons for spectra approximatly 50% of the total observing time meaning that 50% of time I am either doing other type of observations (I also count as observing time any public outreach activities...), or telescope is pointing, in maintenance, etc... There is obviously room for improvement there...

After the recent refurbishment, even if I still have some tracking issues (but much less) and I still have to watch what is happening, the observing efficiency was clearly on the rise.
For exemple, the night of august 26th which was just after all the adjustment of the mount, I opened the observatory for 9h15min and I acquired a total of 439min on star spectra; this leads to an efficiency ratio of 79% - not bad at all!
Also the night of august 28th was a good one and the efficiency ratio was 78% (340/435) and I can say this is a very good ratio.
The remaining is opening and closing time, data backup, pointing, centering (this can take some time), finding the right exposure time (I take a 10sec expoure and measure the signal to find the propoer exposure time to get good signal without saturating; this also takes some time).

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